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Would You Like To Add Even More Earning Power To Your Funnel?



Ultimate Online Success Plus

Email Sequence

…AND Bonus Software To Solve Your Email Writing Problems Forever!

It’s me again 🙂

Now I know you want to get to your download, but before you do, I have a very simple add-on offer for you that is going to multiply your results from the subscribers you are going to add to your list with our funnel!

So, you already have the No Hurdles D4U Funnel, which has everything you need to start building your list, including a high-quality, relationship-building 7-day email sequence.

These emails are designed to get people to read them (they are how the training you offer is delivered) …

…at the same time though they are designed to subtly re-promote the affiliate offer (along with a couple of other recurring offers) presented to new subscribers as soon as they sign up.

(You probably already know that it can take up to 7 exposures to an offer before people will decide to buy)

Ultimately, the funnel might get the subscribers on your list, but it is the emails that build the relationship…

…and more importantly, do the selling for you!

Treble Your Relationship Building and Commission Earning Potential!

The first part of our ‘results-boosting’ upgrade is No Hurdles access to an additional 14 highly crafted emails.

These additional 14 emails are not your usual ‘subtle as a brick‘  sales swipe emails.

They were written (and used!) by me to build rapport with my subscribers.

I put in the time, research, and effort to ensure they are worth reading.

Subjects as diverse as; why there is no such thing as ‘bad luck’, the proof that most French are psychopaths, and the critical element to success in any area of life.

Each email follows the old BBC ‘Reithian principles’— to inform, educate and entertain.

At the same time, the emails provide you with ‘real estate‘ in the p.s. to promote whatever offer you want.

This means you have total flexibility in what you promote.

You could repromote the offers in the initial 7 email sequence.

You could promote your favourite evergreen affiliate offer.

You could use them to promote the latest launch.

The important point to make is you are in control.

I have done the hard work for you by writing emails worth reading, you just need to add the promotion.

Checkout An Example

Same ‘No Hurdles’ Simple Setup!

The additional email sequence also comes with the same ‘No Hurdles‘ simple setup as the rest of the funnel.

Whether you are going down the Aweber route or the LeadsLeap route, it is as simple as using a share code to import the complete email sequence.

A couple of edits to add your name and the offer you would like to promote, and you are ready to rock ‘n’ roll.

The Benefits Don’t End There!

My KISS Affiliate Swipe Genius

Of course the emails I’m providing you with the initial 7 Ultimate Online Success tutorial emails…

…and then the 14 Ultimate Online Success Plus rapport building emails is going to get you a REALLY solid start to your online efforts, but what then?

In the future when you want to promote more offers, you are faced with writing your own emails.

Now maybe this is not a problem for you, and if that is the case, that’s great…

…but if you are like most people that might just fill you with a certain amount of dread.

There is Good News, and There is Bad News…

…And Then There is More Good News!

OK, the good news first.

Most vendors want you to be able to sell their product and so they make it as easy as possible for you.

One of the ways that they do this is they often provide ‘swipe’ emails that promote their product or service.

The idea is, that you just add your links and your name, and off you go!

Good news right, your problems are over.

Hold your horses their partner!

Here comes the bad news.

EVERYONE is getting the same emails!

I would NEVER advise anyone to send out unedited swipe emails.

Authenticity and personalisation are key in building trust with your audience.

So, using swipe emails can diminish the genuine connection with your followers.

So, I want to provide you with something unique I created for myself, that was never planned to be available to the general public.

The final good news is you will be getting an app to create the correct prompts to get ChatGPT (or your AI tool of choice) to turn any universal swipe email into a unique personalised sales-creating machine!

Just complete a few fields, and my KISS Affiliate Swipe Genius spits out the exact prompt to get what you need.

Paste the prompt into your AI tool of choice, and let it do all the hard yards to get you an email worth sending.

It's a VERY simple upgrade offer

OK... So How Much Will This Cost?

So we would like you to consider these questions for a moment…


A. How much time, effort, and expense do you think you would need to invest in researching and writing 14 engaging, rapport building emails




B. How much time, effort, and expense do you think you would save by having AI turn bland universal emails into your own unique personalised promotional emails?


Honestly, what do you think?

The answer is going to be somewhere between ‘shed loads‘ and ‘a small fortune‘! 🙂

But again, this is an area I want to remove the hurdles, and make this upgrade affordable for those who see it as something that could help them.

If you buy now,
you can get the additional emails PLUS the KISS Affiliate Email Swipe Genius app for the ‘No Hurdles’ low price of just…

Of course, you don’t need this upgrade…

…but just imagine how much more you will be able to earn with the extra emails AND the ability to create promotional emails on demand as and when you need them.

Don’t let this opportunity slip you by.

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